Often less expensive than daycare centres, home-based daycares can provide a nurturing, home-like atmosphere with a smaller group of children. May jurisdictions require licensing beyond a certain number of children being cared for. While there is usually more flexible pickup and drop-off times than a daycare center or a preschool, there is often no back up option if the provider is sick. The quality of experience in many of these home based daycares can be impressive as they are often run by ECE or teacher-trained moms who prefer to stay at home with their young kids and open a daycare to help the home budget.
Many stay-at-home parents are happy to offer help part-time, especially if their own children are in school (usually available 9:30am to 2:30pm) or potentially full-time if they can bring along their young child. They are usually flexible and loving, and again while less expensive, they are often well qualified as many do it not only to help with extra income, but also because they love babies and toddlers.
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